What’s all this, then?

Gadgette is a tech and lifestyle site for geeky women and their friends. It was founded by Holly Brockwell in 2015, for which she won Woman of the Year.

I’m not female. Am I welcome too?

SO welcome! You don’t need to live in New York to read the New Yorker, after all.

How do you pronounce ‘Gadgette’?

Ga-JET. Like ‘ladette,’ as someone helpfully pointed out. We prefer ‘courgette.’

Why doesn’t Gadgette have a comment section?

It did, originally. People liked to fill it with bile, particularly on articles championing women or calling out sexism. So we deleted it. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Do you use affiliate links on the site?

Yes, because we like to be able to pay for electricity and nice things like that. This costs you nothing and doesn’t impact your reading experience. Please see the affiliate link disclosure for more details.

What about products provided by PR?

A lot of the products we review and cover were sent by PR companies for consideration. Sending us a product doesn’t guarantee a review, and it certainly doesn’t guarantee a positive one! There’s more info on this here.

Can I write for you?

We welcome other writers, especially people who don’t fit the usual mould of tech blogging. However, Gadgette is a passion project and doesn’t currently have budgets to pay people, so please only volunteer if you were going to put it on Medium or something otherwise. If you can get paid for the piece elsewhere, do – it’s important to get paid for your work. To talk about this, email Holly.

Can I tell you about a product or service you might like to feature?

Yes! Email Holly here.

Can I advertise on your site?

That would be lovely. Info here.

What’s your mailing address?

We tend not to put it on the internet because of, y’know, security. But if you’d like to post us something that isn’t a poo in a box, send an email and we’ll give you the details.