Social media

Hereā€™s where youā€™ll find GadgetteĀ onĀ Twitter, FacebookĀ andĀ YouTube.Ā Gadgetteā€™s not on Snapchat because we feel like an old man shouting at a cloud whenever we use it. Also, please donā€™t ever try to call us on an actual phone. #MillennialProblems

Mailing address

If youā€™d like to send something, email first. Please donā€™t just send stuff to an address you found on the internet ā€“ weā€™ve moved offices lots of times!

AdvertiseĀ on Gadgette

There are heaps of ways you can advertise with GadgetteĀ or sponsor content, so we can pay the bills. Find out more here.

Tech support

If youā€™re having technical issues with the site, newsletter or something else, send us an email. Hopefully itā€™s not the email bit thatā€™s broken, or weā€™re in trouble.

Anything else?

Send Holly an email or a tweet.

Main image: Pexels