Sponsored: Women get £500 off learning to code with Makers Academy

We invented software, after all

Post sponsored by Makers Academy

Coding is an empowering skill. It allows women to change careers, work flexibly, and turn their ideas into reality. Unfortunately, the tech industry is well known for its lack of diversity - and that needs to change. If you’ve been considering learning to code, we’ve got an exciting offer from our friends at Makers Academy.

Women welcome

Makers Academy is Europe’s leading developer bootcamp, offering 16-week courses to give you the programming skills you need to get a job in the industry. Students work in the heart of Tech City with a community of learners using languages including Ruby, HTML, and Javascript. The programme teaches cutting-edge programming relevant for work in the industry and you even get a MacBook Pro Retina for the duration of the course (yep, sadly like our review models, they do have to go back!).

But does it work? Makers Academy caught up with graduates after they had spent a year in the industry. Here’s Nadia Odunayo, who’s now the director of Ignition Works:

In the last 2 years, over 500 students have graduated from Makers Academy into their dream jobs, and 35% of them have been women. That’s twice has high as the industry average, but 50% would be even better, so Makers Academy is encouraging more women to learn to code and pursue new career options. Good on them.

Women in Coding at Makers Academy. Credit: Matthew Power Photography

It’s well-known that women make amazing programmers and tech entrepreneurs - take a look at our Women in Tech History series, for instance. Sadly, studies show that women are less likely to put themselves forwards for these kinds of world-changing opportunities. According to Lean In, men will apply for a job when they think they have 60% of the requirements, but women will only apply if they think they have 100%. If you’re reading this and interested, you should definitely apply.

Need a bit more encouragement? To foster diversity and get more women into the programme, Makers Academy is giving women a £500 discount. Take that, gender pay gap.

Interested? Claim your £500 off at Makers Academy now.

Then go and change the world.

All images: Makers Academy. This is a paid advertising post by Makers Academy.